What Keeps You Up At Night?

Last Friday night, the Women’s Ministry gathered over Zoom to pray and we pondered that question. What keeps you up at night? World events, anxious thoughts, health concerns, issues of justice, family problems — they tend to mess with our sleep and with our peace. In this season of chronic information overload, it was beautiful…


The Beauty of Body Life

A member of our church passed away a month or so ago. It caused me to think how proud I am of our church body, who supported her over the decades and became her family. “Betty” (not her real name) was divorced by her husband many years ago, she had trouble keeping a low-wage job…


CAR-nival Fun!

Something we’ve been hearing from students in our ministries a bit recently is how disappointing the transition from the school year to summer has been during this season of quarantine. Summer for them usually holds the promise of freedom, joy, laughter, fun and newness. However, much of those things that held hope in summertime are…


A Lament For George Floyd And Our World

Lamenting is a beautiful thing. There is something so transformative and freeing to be able to honestly and humbly come to God and say “I don’t get this. This hurts. Why is there so much pain in the world?” God is a loving and relational God who welcomes our pain. He welcomes our questions and…


Writing To Remember

I’m a word person, but I’ve never been a good journal-er. It feels so formal and final to write with a pen in a journal. It leaves no room for me to mull and play with words and re-write, which is more my preferred style. In fact, the only times I’ve journaled daily have been…


One Simple Call, One Amazing Encounter!

Beverly is an 88-year-old woman who has lived in Fullerton for many years. I have lived in Fullerton my entire life. Beverly and I do not live too far from one another yet I would never have known her except through the Senior Buddy program at Fullerton Free. I have a new friend in Beverly….


People Like Me

“. . . And when they learned that the LORD was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” Exodus 31 I meet my senior buddy on the street outside her apartment complex. I greet her from behind a mask, smiling with my eyes (that’s a thing, I guess). I…


Getting Creative

Two weekends ago, our Chosen leaders celebrated our foster teens as we closed out our club year! Usually, we end the club year with a birthday celebration, complete with cake and ice cream, fun games, and a discussion/huddle group time to go over the Scripture shared. But due to the COVID-19 restrictions, this end of…


Pressing Pause And Deep Breaths

DEEP BREATHS . . . That’s what I was thinking on the morning of Thursday, March 12. It feels like a lifetime ago. I was sitting in my car in the pouring rain with a dead battery, a cranky 3-year-old, a wet, smelly dog AND the reverberation of the breaking news of stay-at-home orders ringing…


Sidewalk Church

Gathering for church out on the sidewalk? Singing worship songs on the grass in the front yard? Reading Scripture from our camp chairs with neighbors? These activities were NOT on our radar before March 2020. You can probably relate — who could have guessed that we would do months of streaming sermons from our living…