One Simple Call, One Amazing Encounter!
By Corliss Markley | June 4, 2020
Beverly is an 88-year-old woman who has lived in Fullerton for many years. I have lived in Fullerton my entire life. Beverly and I do not live too far from one another yet I would never have known her except through the Senior Buddy program at Fullerton Free.
I have a new friend in Beverly. She has had quite a life. Beverly was in need of someone to bring her groceries on a weekly basis but I soon realized she needed more — she needed someone to talk to, she needed someone who cared, she needed a friend. And I needed Beverly. I have found her wit is unceasing yet like all of us she has concerns which she has come to speak about with me. We talk about three times a week on the telephone and I see her once a week when I drop off groceries. In these times of interaction we have begun a relationship I see as profound. She has touched my heart in sharing her life experiences with me and I find myself listening with sincere interest and a want for more. She has a story to tell and I believe I am the one meant to hear that story.
In recent visits I have found opportunities to share Jesus Christ with Beverly and she has shown a deep interest in knowing His peace. She has expressed a desire to know more about Fullerton Free and why a stranger would help her out in her time of need. She wants to know others who are Christians and very much wants to come to our church when she is able. I have shared that I belong to a Fellowship Group at church and she inquired, if she came, could she be introduced to others her age who have a fellowship group.
God is moving and it is exciting to witness His grace in Beverly’s and my life. She is and always has been an extrovert in her life. I am in wonder of how God plans to use Beverly to advance His Kingdom because she will. I have no doubt. One simple phone call — that’s all it took to begin a new journey for myself and Beverly.