Mission Statement

Fullerton Free Special Needs Ministry believes that every human being is created in the image of God, uniquely made to reveal Christ. Empowered by the Spirit, we exist to provide an opportunity for all people, no matter ability, to experience loving community and full participation in the body of Christ.

As Joni Eareckson Tada suggests, “A person with a disability can do more for the spiritual well-being of the church than you can imagine.”

Sunday Morning Classes

Fellowship of Friends

11:00am-12:15pm | Room C212

Students ages 18+ with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. Class format includes worship, instruction in the Word, table discussion, prayer, sharing time, and fellowship. Email Alise for more information.

Circle of Friends

9:30-10:45am | Room C209 & C212

Preschool to high school students all have a place in one of our Circle of Friends classes. Email Kristyna for information on which class and time best fits your student’s age and needs.


It is our desire to include children with disabilities in Sunday school classes with their peers whenever possible. Please call the Special Needs Ministry in advance to find out how they can help make church a successful environment for your student. Special Needs Ministry Contact: specialneeds@fullertonfree.com or 714-529-5544 ext.349.


Most of our church is accessible. Check in at the Connect Wall for locations of the elevators to access the A, B, C and D buildings on our main campus. There is also an elevator on the north campus in the back of the main building.


Friday Night Live

Friday night social event for teens and adults with intellectual disabilities. Event happens four-five times a year. An evening of fun, entertainment and dinner from 6:00–8:30pm. Contact Kristyna, 714-529-5544 x349, to be put on the mailing list for upcoming events. A Medical Release Form needs to be filled out to attend Friday Night Live. For your convenience, you may fill out the form here and bring it with you to the next event.


2024 season has begun and we are full!

GoalStars is a community soccer league for players with disabilities from ages 7 and up. Players will be divided by age: 7-11, 12-17, and 18+. Seasons start late summer for seven weeks with a pre-season event and a post-season event (JamFest). The registration fee is $60 and scholarships are available upon request. If you are interested in signing up a PLAYER for the 2025 season, please click the link below and complete our interest form.

We can always use volunteers. There will be opportunities to volunteer every week or one week at a time, depending on your availability. Whether you have years of experience with soccer, or know nothing at all about it, we can use you! If you are interested in signing up to volunteer, please first complete our church's SERVE form (link below), selecting "GoalStars."

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at GoalStars@fullertonfree.com.
We hope to see you on the field!


Next Season Starts: January 2025

This incredible community basketball league is for players with disabilities from ages seven and up. HoopStars takes place in the winter for 8 weeks with an additional pre-season event and post-season event (JamFest). To register, please use the link below. For more information, contact: hoopstars@fullertonfree.com

Katie's Club

We are a space and a place where people of all abilities can come together to learn new things and make new friends. Designed for people 14-22 years old, Katie's Club is a program designed to meet the social and recreational needs of our exceptional populations without isolating them from their community. Our summer program will begin July 15 and run for four weeks. We will meet from 10:00am - 1:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Activities include fitness class, creative and structured game activities, preparing and eating lunch together, and social time. For more information, contact: katiescluboc@gmail.com

Moms of Special Needs Kids Bible Study

Mark your calendar for a time of reflection and restoration!

In September, we will continue with our community, moms of children with special needs. This is a special time to build relationships, to be "real" and share deeply, to learn from one another, and to explore the hope that God has for us. We typically meet two Mondays a month, 9:30-11:00am. You do not need to be a member of Fullerton Free church to attend. All are welcome to join us!

Details will be sent at a later date. But in the meantime, if you have questions, please feel free to contact us (call, text or email):

Hope to see you in September!

Shelia Arnold
(714) 876-3685

Alise Ramseyer
(714) 257-4391

Rainbow Express

Rainbow Express 2024 is currently full!

One week summer day camp from 9:00am-2:00pm for students from ages 5 to 18 with and without special needs. Camp takes place on campus at Fullerton Free Church includes lots of fun centers like music, Bible, sensory, recreation, surprise and craft. Teens with special needs experience a similar camp feel with fun daily field trips included.

We would love to have you join our volunteer team. No experience necessary! Open to individuals ages 13 and up. Training dates are June 30 and July 28. Volunteers can choose to be placed in centers or as a 1:1 support. Email rainbowexpress@fullertonfree.com for more information!

Ministry Contact

Alise Ramseyer, Shepherd of Special Needs
alise.ramseyer@fullertonfree.com | 714-257-4391

Kristyna Brusby, Ministry Assistant
kristyna.brusby@fullertonfree.com | 714-529-5544 x349