Baptism at Fullerton Free
The Scriptures in the Old and New Testament reveal how God uses water to represent His creative and redemptive work in the world, climaxing in the work of Jesus, revealed in baptism. In the waters of baptism, Christ buries your old self so that you can walk in new life (Romans 6:1–4). We believe that baptism is an appropriate response and act of obedience to those who have chosen to follow Christ. If you have never taken this step, we encourage you to boldly make a public proclamation of your faith.
Email Katie Smylie with any questions or for more information.
NEXT BAPTISM: September 29, 2024
Beach baptisms are always a highlight for our church family! We are excited to gather together to celebrate baptisms.
Baptisms will begin at 5pm. Come early and bring your own chair, beach blanket or food and drinks as desired. There is a charge for parking, but some free parking may be available on side streets. Look for the large orange Fullerton Free banners out on the sand to find our group.
This baptism we will be taking a church bus to Corona del Mar. If you wish to ride on the bus, it will leave the Commons parking lot at 3:30pm. You can also pre-buy a picnic dinner to enjoy with us at the beach after the baptisms. You are free to bring your own dinner OR purchase a picnic dinner. Food must be purchased in advance! Buy your dinner here and/or reserve your seat on the bus here.
Before you sign up to be baptized, we encourage you to watch the video below for an understanding of what baptism is, what we at FF— believe it is, and how we do it here at FF—.
We encourage you to watch the video below for an understanding of what baptism is, what we at FF— believe it is, and how we do it here at FF—.

We Believe
Fullerton Free Church believes that...
Water baptism is an ordinance given by Christ to His church. (Matthew 28:19)
Baptism by immersion is the mode used by Christ and the early church.
Water baptism is to be observed in the present age. (Acts 2:38; 8:12; 16:14–15)
Water baptism is not to be regarded as a means of salvation. It is a public act by those who have already received Christ as their personal savior. (Ephesians 2:8–9; Acts 8:36–38)
Baptism is ...
A symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. (Romans 6:3–7)
A public testimony of one who has received Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior. (Acts 8:36–38)
An act of obedience modeled and commanded by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 3:13–17; 28:19)
A statement to the world that the individual being baptized is dedicated to Christ and desires to follow Him.

Baptism Purpose: A Brief Theological Framework
Baptism is so important, in part because it is commanded by Jesus. Often, we fail to see the larger scope of its significance. The following Scriptures help communicate this significance.