Welcome to Fullerton Free!
We're so glad you're checking us out, and we hope you won't feel like a visitor for long! We would love to help you find your place in our family.
Your first step to connecting can be filling out our START HERE form. After filling that out, you will be contacted by a staff member who will work together with you to get you connected according to your interests.
Sundays at Fullerton Free
9:30am | Worship Service
You are invited to join us in our Worship Center for our corporate worship service, as we worship God together as a family through community, singing, generosity, and the study of God’s word. Every Sunday is a unique opportunity to worship and respond to God through a variety of teachers and different expressions of music. During our service, we will have a moment to welcome our guests and hand out a guest gift. We would love to make sure one of those gifts gets in your hand and that you have an opportunity to meet some of the folks sitting near you.
11:00am | Community Hour
Following our main worship service, we send out our congregation into what we call “Community Hour”, an intentional time set aside to connect in smaller groups for the purpose of community and fellowship. As a guest or someone newer to our church, you may not know where to go during our community hour. Here are three options:
- go to our “Starting Point” in The Well (our on-campus coffee shop) to say a quick hello to a staff member. We would love to briefly get to know you and help you find your next step into community at our church.
- go to our Sermon Discussion group that meets in the Commons at 11:00am to talk about the sermon we all just heard.
- check out another one of our Sunday Communities — find out more about our communities here.
Prayer Opportunities
Following the Sunday morning service, people will be available to pray with you. It may be in response to God’s movement in your life during the worship service, an area of need or concern, perhaps a desire for direction, or desire to move into a new arena of ministry. However, we can come alongside you, at the end of the service those leading worship will direct you to the space, and people, who will join with you in your journey through prayer. Or feel free to email a prayer request to us at prayer@fullertonfree.com.
Guest Services
We are all about hospitality and want you to feel welcome and informed. Visit us on Sunday mornings at our Connect Wall (located just outside of the front entrance of our Worship Center) to answer any questions about our ministries. If you need directions to the nursery, children’s classrooms, worship service, communities, or help you with any special need that you might have, ask anyone with a white name tag (find them at the Connect Wall or just inside the lobby).
Kids & Students Check-In
Kids' Check-in (through 5th grade):
Our kids' check-in system provides a safe and secure way for you to check your children in to our kids programs while you are on campus and gives us a way to contact you in case of emergency. If it's your first time checking a child in, please visit one of our kids check-in stations located in the Family Room and on the plaza near the Worship Center (see map below). Look for a large gold feather flag to mark the location. One of our volunteers would be happy to help you with the check-in process and answer any questions.
Middle and High School Ministries:
Our middle schoolers and high schoolers meet during the 11:00am community hour on our North Campus (see map below). We encourage your students to join us first at our 9:30am corporate worship service, and then head over head over to their student ministry on North Campus afterward.
The Well
Come enjoy a hand-crafted coffee or tea beverage and hang out! Open on Sundays at 8:30am.
Visitor Parking
When you visit for the first time, we encourage you to park in the parking structure. Join the crowd heading toward the Worship Center. If you are in need of disabled person parking, there are plenty of spots available in our main parking lot. If you need assistance, please reveal your placard to one of our Parking Attendants and they can assist you.
Additional Ways to Connect
We have lots of ways to share information with you. You can download our Fullerton Free App from the App Store or Google Play Store. The FF– App is a great way to stay on top of all the latest news. Signing up for our weekly email, eNews, will deliver up-to-date news, giving information and weekly worship information directly to your inbox. And, we have an online directory, Direct Connect. Create or update your profile today!