Unplugging From Distractions
By Jordan Swigart | July 16, 2020
As a high school leader, I am constantly hearing stories of where God is on the move. He is transforming young men and women in their own unique way to be shaped into people that look more like Jesus. I would like to share a recent story as an encouragement to our church.
One of our Junior guys, Isaac, had an encounter with God that has been shaping him ever since it took place a few months ago during quarantine. He was praying in his room late at night for God to give him purpose. He felt at the time that he had no mission and desired to be in God’s word more often. Immediately after talking with God, Isaac felt a deep sense from the Lord that he needed to get rid of his Xbox as a first step toward obedience. He knew this had been a source of distraction for 12 years! Although this would be a sacrifice, he trusted God’s way was best. That night he unplugged his Xbox, put it in storage, and then realized that video games had been a blind spot in his relationship with Christ. He ended up selling his Xbox (out of joy) and has experienced more freedom in his relationship with God since that night. This story reminds me of the sacrifice seen in Matthew 13:44 —
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
If you think of Isaac, pray that God would continue to teach him. Consider praying for other HSM students that are dealing with distractions and much disappointment in a really tough season. Thanks church!
Jordan Swigart