Ultimate Pancakes For The Win
By Kelsey Crowe | April 15, 2021
If you were with us on Easter a couple weeks ago, you would probably agree that it was one for the books! After what anyone would say was a very challenging and unprecedented 12 months (if I had a dollar for the amount of times I heard the word “unprecedented” this last year…), we were able to be together on Easter to celebrate and worship as a family. To maximize on the celebration piece, we thought what better way to celebrate than to eat together?!
I, along with 36+ volunteers and staff, had the joy of putting together an Easter Pancake Breakfast. We had four large griddles going, with an amazing grill master at each one. There were servers at each station making sure we were safely handing out all the essentials for delicious pancakes (think butter, syrup, sausages and utensils). Some volunteers were runners between the Commons kitchen and the top of the parking structure, and then others were distributing coffee and cold drinks. At one point, since the sun was surprisingly strong at 9:30am, Ann Shepherd and I were rolling the drink cart around bringing ice water and orange juice to people in their chairs. I felt like I was at a baseball stadium and was considering chucking the drinks to our guests! Good thing I did not act on that thought.
Words can’t express how amazing it was to see these volunteers serve so joyfully. And I think I can speak for all of us . . . it was fun to see our church family together in such a beautiful and fun way. There were smiles, laughter and great togetherness. I won’t take that for granted ever again!
-Kelsey Crowe