Quilted with Shalom
By Cassidy Lainson | November 5, 2020
Many in our church family may already be aware of the work we have been doing to walk alongside seniors in our community by providing weekly groceries. For those of you who are not familiar with this new ministry, its basic goal is to help provide meals and support to those in need around us who are most vulnerable to the novel coronavirus, who are either unable to leave their homes to go grocery shopping or who have been put into financial strain by the recent economic shutdowns. Thus, what our Senior Grocery Buddy Program has done is pair together a local senior with a volunteer from our church, who then brings their senior buddy a weekly supply of food and whatever else they may need from our church’s food pantry. All of the supplies in our food pantry are donated by other members in our church family.
After several months of being blessed by this ministry, one of our senior buddies named Josie came up with a wonderful way to express her gratitude. Josie has been making quilts to bless veterans with for decades, and put those same skills to work in gifting our Anchor Ministries with a beautiful quilt to say, “Thank you!” for the many bags of delivered groceries she has received during this difficult season. As you can see, this quilt is currently hanging up in our food pantry (which is located on North Campus), and will soon be sold in the Joint Heirs auction, where its proceeds will go to support our church’s global missionaries. What a beautiful way God has orchestrated to connect between local grocery delivering and global gospel sharing!
Cassidy Lainson