People Like Me
By Christian Brazo | June 3, 2020
“. . . And when they learned that the LORD was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” Exodus 31
I meet my senior buddy on the street outside her apartment complex. I greet her from behind a mask, smiling with my eyes (that’s a thing, I guess). I load groceries into her utility cart, and we chat for a few minutes.
No matter the topics we discuss, our conversation always ends with my buddy expressing deep gratitude for the groceries. At the end of our first meeting, my buddy told me she was thankful “that the Church is doing this for people like me.”
When she said “people like me,” I initially believed she meant people with compromised immune systems, people struggling financially, people fearful of the exposure of going to markets, people isolated in their apartments. But the more I thought about, I realized that we are all “people like me.”
During this time of COVID-19, I have felt isolated from my friends, fearful that I will catch, or worse, spread the disease, in need of someone to deliver me something.
In Exodus 4:31, the Israelites were oppressed and felt forgotten. But when Aaron and Moses brought a “gospel” of deliverance to them, they fell to their faces and worshiped the one true God because He was concerned for them.
I am proud that my church, Fullerton Free, is concerned for our neighbors and has made delivering necessities a priority during this pandemic (in addition to many other ways). People like us are showing concern for those in need, as Yahweh showed concern to His people in Egypt. By serving our community in this small way, I feel Christ’s concern for me in that He allows me to be a part of His story of deliverance, even if I’m just delivering groceries.
Christian Brazo