Know And Be Known
By Abby Olsen | January 2, 2020
A few months ago, Kelsey Crowe (our Shepherd of Connections) visited the Basecamp college group on a Sunday morning and shared her vision for a mentorship ministry at Fullerton Free. In that moment a phrase popped into my head, “Know and be known.” I was convicted. After being at the church for almost a full year, I wasn’t pursuing relationships outside of my college group. I had true friends there, people who knew me and could call me to live more like Christ because of that. I loved this group (and still do). But was I pursuing those relationships outside of Basecamp, in the larger body of believers I was a part of every week? No. I was content to walk with my group to main service, do the smile and “Good Morning” head nod in the bathroom line, worship in my normal section of church and stay in that cozy comfort zone of routine.
So as Kelsey was speaking, I was reminded again that the beauty of the Church exists in its diversity. That God not only calls me to pursue relationships with people who are living in a similar stage of life, but those of different backgrounds and ages. There are so many wonderful things that God has created the Church to be: His mouthpiece to the world, a brilliant art work that showcases what unity should be, a haven of worship and a call to pursue Christ’s vision both in our lives and in community.
God also planned the Church to be a place where relationships thrive. And not just relationships with those who are like us, but relationships with everyone who claims Christ as their Savior. “Know and be known.” The end goal of this statement is not a selfish one. This isn’t just “be known” so that others will know how to serve you best or know how wonderful you are. No. This is know and pursue Christ as your highest priority and then be known so that others can see what Christ is doing in your life.
As I see it, this is at the core of mentorship. This is vulnerability so that as you walk with our Savior in the day-to-day, fellow believers can walk alongside you and push you towards Christ; and so that you can do the same for them. It is accountability, friendship, stories of God’s faithfulness, and so many more things.
I have only met with my mentor a couple times, but I have already seen more of Christ through this relationship. There are moments where I get so incredibly excited for the Church and how through it, we can see Christ. This is one of those moments. I am so looking forward to the end of the year in this ministry when I can say with new meaning and depth, “I know Christ more.”
– Abby Olsen