Jesus In A Box
By Nikki Bridgeford | July 9, 2020
VBS, three simple letters, yet for many people when they hear them uttered it immediately conjures up images of days filled with over-the-top skits, music, games, Bible stories and snacks. I cannot tell you how many people have shared with us over the years that they came to know Jesus at a VBS. Even in our community, we have found that our friends and neighbors who may not attend church regularly look forward to sending their kids to VBS each year. It’s a summer tradition, it’s expected, it’s just what we do. So what happens when a worldwide pandemic hits and everything changes? What becomes of the tradition?
The answer, it turns out, is like so many other things during this season — you pray a lot and then you get creative. I have to be honest, when I first heard the idea of a VBS in a box, I was not thrilled. I knew that people were at their limit with the whole online/virtual thing and the thought of how we would even make that happen felt overwhelming! Thankfully, we serve a big God, who is the author of both creativity and relationship and when you let Him, He will change your perspective in ways you never imagined. This is exactly how VBS In A Box was born.
As planning began and all the pieces started coming together, I found myself becoming more and more excited about all the ways God will be able to use this new adventure. Traditionally, kids come to VBS and then report back to their parents about the day’s events. Now families get to be a part of this experience together. Traditionally friends and neighbors may not have felt comfortable coming to VBS. Now they have the opportunity to have VBS delivered right to their doorstep. Talk about relational, this is it. In one small box, families will receive opportunities to create, to play, to dance and most importantly to hear that God created them in His image, He created a rescue plan to save them and He gives us a plan to continue growing in relationship with Him forever. This my friends, is Jesus In A Box. It brings tears to my eyes, just thinking about what an incredible example of God’s redemptive love this is. He took something that at first glance appeared as a disappointing mess and with one simple gesture He turned it into a masterpiece. I can’t wait to see what He does with this new adventure.
Note: Registration for VBS In A Box is now closed, but we will have the links to the VBS videos as well as written lessons that you can do online available on the Kids and Young Families page.
Nikki Bridgeford