Focusing on Who HE Is
By Meghan Ruesga | February 27, 2020
I love a good church potluck! And I love Nights of Worship! On Sunday, February 23, our church family gathered together for a special night of food, fun and fellowship. I’ve had the privilege of attending many church functions down through the years, but this was truly special. First of all, the food was amazing. Who else thinks “amazing food” when they hear “church potluck”? I sure do. And that night was no exception – people were clamoring for Eugenie’s corn casserole (and even scraping the pan for the last, tiny bits . . . me? lol). And even though I tried, I missed out on Nicole’s Bunco Bread – next time for sure! And don’t even get me started on Curtis’s Grilled Pineapple Salsa!!!! I saw little River walking around the gym handing out stickers to other little ones in the room. Moments like these were pure joy – it was truly a family event. It’s what a potluck is all about. Eating good food and enjoying the company of your family and connecting.
This was followed by a beautiful Night of Worship. The focus was on the season of Lent as it approached. The Night of Worship felt special, sacred and very intentional. After a very long week, worshipping God and focusing on who HE is, and not on myself, was truly a gift. It felt familial in that room, too. There were so many different ages in the room, all joining together, worshipping God. From the junior high boy on the stage playing his guitar to the older couple in front of me with hearing aids, to the coloring station for little ones, we were all worshipping Jesus together. I look forward to our next “family” event . . . whatever it may be. I love being with my family.
– Meghan Ruesga