
Best Seat in the House

By Kelsey Crowe | May 14, 2020

Can you believe it’s already been over eight weeks of shelter in place? Where did April go? I remember when this all first started, and I was asked to coordinate and oversee the Volunteer Strike Team as our church staff took action in the midst of Covid-19. At first it was overwhelming . . . as was everything in our lives as we adjusted to this. What are the needs? How do we best meet these needs? What resources do we have? How do we be compliant while still helping people? The questions went on and on (along with many phone calls, texts, emails, slack messages and zoom calls). But now, being eight weeks in, I have a new and more relaxed view of just some of the many ways our church is mobilized and active in this season! I like to say I have the best seat in the house.

Below you will see a list of some of the ways our church has been serving our body and our community. There are so many more ways YOU are reaching out and serving in this time, but here are a few!

  • Personal grocery shopping and grocery deliveries. Some of our younger, low-risk members were able to grocery shop for those in our church family who are asked to stay home.
  • Writing cards to shut-ins, those in care facilities, Fullerton PD and Fullerton Free families. Many beautiful handmade cards were donated and sent out!
  • Senior Buddy program with City of Fullerton. Over 70 senior adults in Fullerton are paired up with a volunteer “buddy” from Fullerton Free, OC United or Branches Fullerton. I love this partnership with other organizations and churches to serve senior adults in our city. Buddies call their senior weekly to check in on them and then deliver any groceries, prescriptions, etc. Pray with us for these ongoing relationships!
  • Making calls to the elderly. We called about 1200 people, ages 70 and up who are in Direct Connect but not connected in an adult fellowship or other group. While personally reaching out to people, we also cleaned out our database a little bit.
  • Making calls to seniors in partnership with the City of Fullerton. Our partnership with the City of Fullerton is growing! After having success with the Senior Buddy Program, they have asked if we would help them make weekly phone calls.
  • Collecting Food donations at the food pantry and packing bags. Our food pantry provides food for the senior buddy program, other grocery deliveries, food bags for people to pick up at the front desk, and more.
  • Adopting families from local elementary schools. Some FF families have adopted a family from a local school to bring them groceries weekly while also offering relational connection and support.
  • Need a handyman or some technology help? No fear! Several of our volunteers have done projects like setting up an email account or fixing a latch on a backyard gate!
  • We can’t forget the volunteers that distribute communion kits and scripture journals.

How encouraging! Do you want to volunteer? Do you or someone you know have a need? Fill out this form and we will get you connected. Feel free to email Kelsey Crowe with any questions!