I Knew She Would Come
by Chrissy Hampson
August 7, 2019
The other day I sat on our loveseat and wrote out all of my problems in my journal. I mean, all of the ones that I felt were really tripping me up. I wrote each one out, along with my reaction to that problem, and a solution if there is one.
It felt nice to quantify them and I felt pretty validated by the end of that list that I really do have a lot of issues (ha ha!) and that maybe it’s okay to be feeling the way that I’m feeling.
But after I had finished writing, I sat there a little despondently. What now?! How do I even approach this?
Just then, my six year old, Annika, just out of bed, wandered into the room and sat down next to me in her early morning tousled-hair glory. She didn’t stir as I glumly scratched another thought in my journal.
Earlier in the morning, I had opened up our bird’s cage. Coconut loves flying around the room but had been quiet for a few minutes. Suddenly, she took flight and landed right on top of Annika’s beautiful, brown, unkempt hair.
In the calmest of voices Annika murmured, “I knew she would come to me.”
“You did?!” I responded, surprised.
“Yeah. I just knew it!”
My heart leapt a little.
Her quiet confidence spoke to me.
I could not tell by her demeanor that she was waiting—she simply sat . . . so peacefully, so calmly. Her assurance overcame any possible anxiety that Coconut wouldn’t come. The thought wasn’t even there. No fear at all touched her heart. Coconut would come!
And so it is with God. We never need fear nor wonder whether or not He will come. We have the chance to sit peacefully and calmly, even with the longest list of troubles in front of us. We can enjoy quiet confidence in the great assurance that He will come. Because He does come. In fact, it gets better! He’s already here.
Chrissy is enjoying the freedom of summer and is spending most of her time reading to the kiddos, organizing the newish house and learning contentment. God is good!