Mentoring Rocks!
November 7, 2019
Over the last several weeks I have received some very fun emails! No, they were not offering free stuff nor containing funny animal memes (though that would have been very fun to see in my inbox). They were emails from some of our mentors giving reports back about the first contact or meeting with their mentee. As Jenni Key and I put it, it has felt a little like opening gifts on Christmas morning!
You may know that this fall we launched a spiritual mentoring program at Fullerton Free. It has been amazing! We have over 130 people involved, and that number keeps growing. I am not a huge number person, though it is helpful to numerically see the commitments and momentum for this discipleship initiative. In fact, I still get people calling, texting and emailing for the link to sign up to get or be a mentor!
I may sound like a broken record, but I love seeing our church family come together in this way. The range of ages and life stages at our church is a gift. And I want us to lean into that as best we can. I think I am so passionate about this partly because I myself have grown spiritually through amazing mentoring relationships, and I find it deeply enriching to have people in my life who are older and younger than me!
Yes, this is a ministry program. Jenni and I are giving effort and resources to begin this journey. But my hope is that one day, this is the norm…that we can all ask each other – who are you mentoring? Or who is mentoring you? If you are interested in getting or being a mentor, it is not too late! Don’t hesitate to email me at and I will make sure you get connected.
Love you family!

Kelsey Crowe
Intergenerational & Mentoring