As the Spring Training series came to a conclusion, we looked at the spiritual discipline of revelation—believers living like Jesus for the glory of God. As we mature as a follower of Jesus, we cannot help but see the ways our thoughts, words and actions bring the very presence of Christ to a broken world.
Tell us about how you experience God through revelation!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
Being known, cared for, welcomed and accepted. These are all things we long for as humans who have been created for community. We were created for community that reflects the perfectly loving community within the trinity. But community amongst imperfect, sinful humans can be messy. Community that is truly God honoring and loving takes sacrifice, trust, vulnerability and discipline. This is why we chose to focus on community in our disciplines series.
Tell us about how you experience God through fellowship!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
When Jesus was asked “What is the greatest commandment?”, he responded with “to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. And to love your neighbor as yourself and generosity is putting that same love into action. We give out of love because we are loved.
Tell us about how you experience God through generosity!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
Productivity, busyness, hustle, work, hurry! There’s no denying that our culture thrives from being on the go. But the discipline of Sabbath calls us to cease from endless striving and unending work. Imagine what it would be like if work never ended and we never took a break. The practice of Sabbath pulls us out of the illusion that we are in control. It was modeled by God Himself in the beginning when he rested from his work. Sabbathing lets us pause and realize that it’s not our efforts and busyness that sustain us, but it's God himself. We rest from our endeavors in order to rest in the provision and promises of God.
Tell us about how you experience God through sabbath!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
Everyone feels hunger and only food and drink can fulfill that need. But what does it mean to have spiritual hunger? When we fast, we recognize that we need more than just food to sustain us. We hunger and desire for God himself. In fasting, we take time to stop satisfying our own desires to crave more of Christ, to appeal to him, intercede for others, and control our flesh. Fasting is taking time to displace our natural, physical hungers and desire more of God and what he wants.
Tell us about how you experience God through fasting!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
The discipline of Prayer puts us in proximity to God to dialogue with him. Through prayer, we lean into our Father who desires to speak to us and hear from us. Jesus himself set the model for what and how to pray to God. We bring praise for who he is, thanksgiving for what he’s done, confess our wrongdoings, receive forgiveness, and ask for him to supply our needs. In prayer, we hear from God and pour out our hearts to him.
Tell us about how you experience God through prayer!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.
When we open scripture, we sit at the feet of Jesus to hear his word, learning from him as students. We meditate on the Word not to empty our minds, but to fill them with his promises, his grace, his commands, his love. This posture of listening allows God’s word to give us wisdom and guidance for every day. By listening and studying, we glean understanding of ourselves the greater world God created, becoming more familiar with his voice.
Tell us about how you experience God through listening!
Email us at or use #SpringTrainingFF on social media.