Prayer at Fullerton Free

We are a praying people and believe that our God answers prayer. So at Fullerton Free, we are serious about prayer—whether we’re saying “Please, please, please” or “Thank you, thank you, thank you” or even “Help! Help! Help!” God is always listening, always responding, always loving us. Please let us know how we might pray with you or celebrate your answer to prayer.

Prayer Opportunities

Our church is incredibly blessed by a prayer team of 100+ who receive regular requests which come in through the prayer line, the app or website, by phoning the church, or connecting with a staff member on Sunday. If you would like to join us in this ministry of intercession, email

We also have several opportunities currently for in-person or Zoom-connected prayer times, with additional ones being added as we pull out of the Covid season (watch the app or eNews for updates):

Tuesdays | 7:30-8am | The Well
Join our staff and elders to pray for our church body. Contact Christina Marandola.

Wednesdays | 9-10am | Zoom
A group gathers to specifically pray for our missionaries. Contact Missions ministry.

Sundays | Following 9:30am service | Prayer Room
One-on-one prayer is offered in the Prayer Room following the 9:30am service. For information about serving on the Prayer Room team, contact