Who Do You See?
By Mitch Fierro | December 17, 2020
The heart of the $50K Days of Christmas campaign isn’t simply to give gifts during the holidays to those in need. It’s also an opportunity for us to do what Jesus does. Throughout the gospels, we see instances where Jesus encounters people with real needs and gives of Himself and His resources in order to meet those needs. Whenever Jesus does this two things are happening. The first is obvious – Jesus is meeting a real and tangible need of the person He’s encountering, whether it’s healing a sickness, giving sight to the blind or feeding those who are hungry.
The second is this – Jesus SEES the person. Before Jesus can meet a person’s need He must first see the person and the fact that they have a need for Him to meet. Friends, we too get the opportunity to do the very same thing. When we look at those in our circles we get to act like Jesus, seeing the needs of those closest to us and like Him, meet those needs.
Last year a woman was submitted to the $50k Days of Christmas campaign. Without going too much into detail, she was caring for both her parents and was in desperate need of assistance. Someone from our church saw her struggling and submitted that we pay for a laundry service to help alleviate some of her load. And because of the submission we were able to sponsor a few months of laundry service allowing us to come alongside this family in need.
This year, the very same woman who we helped last year asked that we now assist someone in her circle that had a need. When we spoke over the phone she reminded me of how we were able to come alongside her and her parents last year, and in our conversation she said “last year she never felt more SEEN by God in her time of need” and through the simple act of laundry service she felt God’s presence and love for her.
Because someone saw her last year and responded to her needs she was reminded of the Father’s love for her and her family. Now this year she wants to respond like Jesus to the needs that she sees and tangibly meet them.
Friends this opportunity is for all of us to step into! Who do you SEE in your circle and what are their needs? To make a $50K suggestion, submit it HERE!
Mitch Fierro