We Love Our Preschoolers Because He First Loved Us
By Sarah Day | April 16, 2020
Over the last few weeks, Fullerton Free Preschool has been temporarily closed in an effort to comply with government regulations and help stop the spread of COVID-19. While we miss the laughter and play in the classroom, we know this time away is for the safety of our families and staff. During this closure, our preschool teachers have truly demonstrated the ministry that is Fullerton Free Preschool in the multitude of ways they’ve shown up for their students and families. Immediately following the closure, students were sent written letters reminding them that their teachers loved and missed them. Since then, teachers have created packets of activities and worksheets for families to continue on with their education. Bible lessons from our Bible teacher have been uploaded weekly. Teachers have connected via phone calls and emails asking how their students are doing and how they can be praying for their families. They have filmed themselves reading stories so families have a digital library where students can still be read to by their teachers. They have connected with their classes as a whole through video conferencing, providing time for students to find a new (temporary) normal for things like share time and saying hi to their friends. To say that we miss our preschool families would be an understatement! Hear from one of our preschool teachers, Ms. Liz:
“Being a teacher, I have always been an advocate for personal learning using tangible resources vs. technology. I have always thought technology would be my “last resort” when it came to teaching my kids at the preschool. In fact, I felt resistant to using it. Now I see the beauty coming from these resources in this unprecedented time. I just did a live video story time with my 2 year olds — I sat by my fireplace, everyone had their pajamas on and I read them a “bedtime story” all in the comfort of their own homes! It was such a blessing to see them and still have contact in some way, shape or form. I still can pray with them, we still can speak the word of God with them and I see how so many use God in their casual talk with me. God continues to show me and lead me, and when I trust Him and have faith, there will always be His light through darkness.”
During this time of the unknown, it has been such a joy to watch this body of people care so deeply for not just the education of these children, but about how their days are going, how their families are doing, and see their excitement for when they get to see each other again. The Lord has brought joy in this season where anxiety could take charge. He has brought a renewed spirit of love and servant-heartedness in a season where it would be easier to retreat and hide away. He has brought reminders of His goodness and faithfulness in a season where despair might reside. And He will continue to bring peace at a time where peace might feel beyond our reach.
All of us at Fullerton Free Preschool are excited for the day when we have our students back again. Until then, we’re waiting with joyful expectation and anticipation for how the Lord will continue to use us and our ministry all for His glory.
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
Sarah Day