Seeking On The Structure
By Jordan Swigart | September 3, 2020
Our parking structure has really been getting some great usage lately! Not only on Sunday nights, but throughout the week as well. This month, high school ministry has put on a few prayer nights on top of the structure that have turned out to be some of my highlights of the summer! With the warm evening weather and the sun setting, it’s the perfect spot for 60+ students and leaders to gather and seek the Lord together.
We have been adamant about teaching our students about the ACTS method of prayer: Adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication. We have chosen this format because we know that prayer is holistic! It’s not only about asking for things (which oftentimes is our only focus), but diving into praising God for His character, admitting our sins, pouring out our gratitude for what He has done for us and communicating our requests. During those prayer nights we prayed in a variety of ways by praying in silence, praying corporately and through song. Being able to stand in the back and observe everyone participating was a pretty incredible sight, especially in a season where gathering has not been the norm. Students were seeking God with all of their hearts. God’s presence was in our midst and His listening ear was upon us! Our staff hopes that we can do more of these types of events in the near future.
Many requests were made by our high schoolers and I would like to ask you, as a church, to pray for them. Many of these requests had to do with school. As you know, school is online for them and that has been really difficult. Zoom calls for six hours a day! Yikes! These students are troopers, but they need God’s strength in sustaining them for this semester.
Jordan Swigart