Keeping Connected In Trying Times
By Connie Jones | March 23, 2020
Keeping connected with friends and family has always been a passion of mine, especially in life’s difficult times. Fear, anxiety and worry are often our first responses. BUT words of encouragement and meaningful passages of Scripture can help lift spirits like nothing else.
DO NOT FEAR is a commonly repeated command in Scripture. A scared world needs a FEARLESS CHURCH.
My Christian heroine is Corrie Ten Boom — her quotes are priceless. “Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but empties today of its strength.” “Safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of MY LORD.” “We do not fear an unknown future when we have a KNOWN GOD.”
I have found in connecting, both with my 21 year-old mentee and my 92 year-old friend, that they really appreciate being listened to about what is going on in their lives and what they are feeling. Since we are communal souls, sharing a meal or even tea and some delightful tasty treat brightens any spirit, along with sharing what I have been learning in Scripture. Reading passages from the Psalms also brings great comfort and hope. Some favorites are Psalm 23, 92, 92, 95 and 86. It’s reassuring that “This world is not our home, we are just a passin’ through.” Uneasiness in this world just reminds us that we were never meant to live in a world full of sin, disease, heartache and calamity.
Through an encouraging note, text or email I like to send pictures of beautiful flowers, my family and my adventures just to let my friends know that I am thinking about them. Their homes tell you much about their loves and interests so I ask them to tell me stories, tell me about what is on their walls, or what is a favorite book on their shelf and also share pictures of their family. Even playing a familiar song on my playlist brings soothing comfort.
God made us to connect and we all need each other, especially in these times of crisis and uncertainty.
Submitted by,
Connie Jones