How Many Churches Are There In Fullerton?
By Mitch Fierro | November 25, 2020
Over the past eight months, COVID has wreaked havoc on what seems to be all areas of life. We feel the obvious effects when a loved one has been exposed and fallen ill or when we haven’t felt the embrace of a close friend as we maintain social distance. Food insecurity has impacted those unable to safely leave the house or those who have suffered the loss of employment. And as we began to assess our resources and seek the Holy Spirit on how we might respond; some areas were easy.
We’ve been able to deliver groceries to some of the most vulnerable in our community and offer some financial assistance to those hit hardest. In doing so, we’ve been able to display the revolutionary kindness of Jesus while linking arms in humble solidarity with the city of Fullerton and fellow Christ following churches. The shared needs of our community have deepened the relationships with our already amazing partners.
In serving our community, it became apparent that many of our partners had needs themselves. With the closure of schools and public outdoor meeting spaces, many churches without a permanent location who are dependent on public spaces were left without space to corporately gather safely. The only option left for them was some kind of digital service.
As we at Fullerton Free have learned new ways to do ministry in this season of COVID, we quickly realized that we have physical space unused and available. And after much prayer and discernment we began to make some of our spaces available to our closest partners. Now on a Sunday morning we have up to four churches meeting on our campus at various times.
That’s four times the worship, four times the prayers, and four times the equipping of the saints to go out and impact their circles for the glory of Jesus. It’s been an amazing picture of the Kingdom of God to not only each other, but also to our community. In a time of so much divisiveness, even within the church, we have been given the opportunity to model that in Jesus, there is only ONE Church in Fullerton.
Mitch Fierro