Faces Of Our Family
By Fullerton Free | August 13, 2020
As everyone knows, we’re living in an unpredictable time. We may all have different feelings and struggles with everything going on but there is one thing many of us have in common — we are missing connection with one another.
With that in mind, we are launching “The Faces of Our Family” project to bring some connection and joy to our church family. In an effort to help people feel known and connected, our hope is to share some smiles and stories through virtual connection with you all. We trust that seeing some of your Fullerton Free family’s smiles will bring a smile to your face as well.
Make sure to check Facebook and Instagram regularly for more friendly or new faces!
We asked some of our church family to smile for us and answer some questions. Here’s what some of them said:

Rachel Stolk
Rachel Stolk is a loving wife to a wonderful husband and a devoted mother of two sons. She is connected at Fullerton Free through Heritage Ministries and also works at the church as the Preschool Bible Teacher and Aftercare Supervisor. Other ways she has served and been connected at Fullerton Free is in assisting Anchor Ministries during baptisms and attending In the Kitchen discussions.
During the photo shoot for “Faces of Our Family,” something Rachel mentioned that has made her smile recently was when she and her husband were in a traffic jam and a song came on and they simultaneously started dancing. “I’m pretty sure the people in the cars behind and in front of us thought we were nuts but we were happy showing our Unblushing Oddity.”

Peter Kling
Peter was raised in Southern California and became a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ in October of 1995, “back when the earth was still cooling.” He made that commitment at the corner of Van Ness and Florence around 9:00pm on the way home from a church service “things have never been the same since.” He loves ministering to nursing homes, teaching Bible study and his “main mission love” is for the country of Mongolia.
Something that makes Peter smile is when he gets together with his son Tim on Monday mornings for breakfast and a three-hour talk about life and “the good old days.” He also smiles at some of Darin’s humor on Sundays, “He’s not hilarious but he says stuff that makes me smile. I smiled the other day when he told us about going out in his backyard in his pajamas and telling the dog next door to shut up.”

Nadia Cookman
Nadia Cookman is a Kindergarten teacher and LOVES being outside! She currently volunteers as a core group leader for the High School Ministry. She also has served youth through both the VBS and Christmas BLVD events. This past July, she served as a temporary intern summer staff member in partnership with City of Fullerton programs.
During the photo shoot, we asked Nadia what God has been teaching her recently. “Where to begin! During this season of so many unknowns, the Lord has been faithful. God has been showing me that though I am limited, He is not. I have become very aware that I can’t control every aspect of my life, but I serve a sovereign God who holds the world in his hands and sees my every need. He cares so much for each of us and is readily available to be with us in our pain, uncertainty, and joy. He has provided for me in countless ways – giving peace, encouragement and rest when I’ve felt hopeless with the situation of our world. Though this time has clearly displayed that earthly things are fleeting, His steadfast love remains unchanging. When I find myself restless in this season, I am comforted that the Lord is doing a mighty work in our world and He is fiercely pursuing me all the while.”