Faces Of Our Family
By Fullerton Free | September 17, 2020

Rhonda Sittig
Rhonda is a quilter, a reader and loves to cook meals for her friends and family. “I’m happy to have my smart, kind husband Larry, four bright kids with their sweet spouses and nine chipper grandkids. All together we’re a crowd!”
Something that makes Rhonda smile is when she FaceTimes with her granddaughter Lois, “who runs to dress up and show us she’s a cat or a koala or Dashy Dog the photographer.”
She also smiles when she is able to take after dinner walks and talk with her daughters, sister and friends.
Something God is teaching Rhonda is to sit quiet before him. “After all the busy years of rushing around like a crazy person, there is time, so much time to hear from God—reading His word, on morning walks and in quiet prayer. It’s my silver lining of staying tucked in at home all these months.”

Fierro Family
Say “Hi” to the Fierro boys – James, Mitch, Oliver and Henry! Mitch is one of our shepherds on staff and a big fan of skateboarding, cycling and coffee.
When James and Henry were asked to tell us something about them, this is what they said:
Henry: “My favorite color is blue and I like to play with my toys and watch cartoons.”
James: “I like Minecraft and other video games.”
And here is something that made them smile:
Henry: “What makes me smile is that I know how to read now!”
James: “I earned the Minecraft game from my dad and it makes me smile because I like playing it.”

Now say “Hi” to the Fierro girls, Ana and Lillian! Ana is “the wife of an amazing yo-yoer, and the mother to four beautiful and rambunctious children.” She also enjoys photography, art history and coffee.
Something that God is teaching Ana is that each day is a gift.
“My grandfather used to say, ‘Always thank God when you wake up.’ As an adult, I now realize what he was teaching me as a child, that each day is a gift. This season we find ourselves in is unique and challenging at times, but every single day, no matter the hardship, is such a gift.”
“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad today!” Psalm 118:24.

Brittany Beppu
Brittany grew up in the High Desert and moved to Fullerton in 2009 and “I have been in love with this place ever since!” She has been attending Fullerton Free for a few years and serves on our worship team.
Something that has made Brittany smile recently is connecting with people. “I feel closer to people than ever, even pre-quarantine. I also love how people seem to be finding out how good they are at things they’ve never tried before. I.e. creative things, homeschooling their kids! It’s crazy how amazingly people have stepped into teaching roles for the first time and are absolutely killing it.”
Something God has been teaching Brittany is that God’s work doesn’t always look the way you expect it to. “I am so fulfilled by the sheer thought that He fights for love and justice all over the world and has been all this time, despite how long it takes us humans to get it right.”