A Place At The Table
By Sheri Moody | March 5, 2020
I love to host meals in our home. But for some reason, lately I have resisted and been unwilling to open our home and have people in. Well, as you can imagine, God has been nudging and convicting me about this. So when Kelsey Crowe asked if we would host a dinner for people in the church, I felt like this was a way I could be obedient to how God had been working on my heart.
I’m so glad I was obedient because we had such a great time at our Place at the Table dinner this past Sunday night! It was fun to gather with people that we didn’t know and that didn’t know each other. It was very cultural as well – India, Indonesia and Armenia were represented as well as the United States. One couple has been attending Fullerton Free for at least 15 years. That was a fun discovery because I had never met them prior to Sunday night. Our conversation was lively and varied including topics like education, teaching, being a widow, marriage, surfing, sports, high school, kids, grandkids, traveling, near-death experiences (yes, you read that correctly!), OnRamp, adult fellowships and small groups, church membership, childhood church experiences – there was not a lack of things to talk about!
And now for 11 of us, there are a few more faces to recognize on a Sunday morning. There are a few more people we can call friends and Fullerton Free just became a little smaller.
Sheri Moody
Lead Ministry Assistant