Sunday | September 29 | 5:00pm (Catch the church bus at 3:30pm) | Corona del Mar (bus at Commons Parking Lot)
Beach baptisms are always a highlight for our church family and a wonderful step in the life of every follower of Christ. We are excited to gather to celebrate baptisms at the beach on Sunday, September 29. If you have been considering being baptized, now is the time!
Register here to be baptized.
Please come to the beach and celebrate those taking this step. We will begin at 5:00pm. It’s a good idea to come early and bring a beach chair or blanket. You are welcome to drive yourself or hitch a ride on the church bus. The parking lots at the beach charge by the hour. The bus departs from the Commons parking lot at 3:30.
*At Corona del Mar, look for the large orange Fullerton Free banners and EZup on the sand to find our group.
Please stay and fellowship with our Fullerton Free family after the baptism. You are free to bring your own dinner OR purchase a picnic dinner. Food must be purchased in advance!
Buy your dinner and/or reserve your seat on the bus here.
Volunteer opportunities: Set up, tear down and distribute dinners — interested? Fill out the Yes, I Want to Serve Form and check "Beach Baptism - Sunday".