Thanks for your interest in auditioning for the orchestra. To serve in the orchestra, you must be consistently attending a Sunday service, committed to a lifestyle that is pursuing Jesus, and passionate about serving Jesus and this community here at Fullerton Free.

Requirements for orchestral instruments include:

  • Having a competent understanding of your instrument
  • Being able to sight read sheet music
  • Being able to play to a click track (a metronome)
  • Understanding the tone needed to fit various styles
  • Understanding how to properly blend with a band
  • Playing excellently in front of others
  • Playing in tempo
  • Playing dynamically
  • Playing on pitch
  • Demonstrating a basic understanding of improvisation and ad-libbing
  • Following the direction of the leader’s interpretation of the song
  • Not playing if a song requires it, or if asked by the team leader
  • Being willing to learn to use in-ear monitors
  • Understanding your role as a member of the greater Fullerton Free music community and attend community nights

To audition for the orchestra, please fill out this application and someone from our Music Ministry staff will reach out to you.