Collective— Young Adults Ministry

We are a representation of God's individual creations, integrated together to participate in His kingdom as a whole. That within our collective differences we are bonded over a solid common ground, knowing Jesus. We each play a part in working together towards knowing the Lord more through unified worship, the word of God, open discussion, and meaningful relationships.

Collective young adults consists of weekly Monday nights, small groups, mentorship, serving, spiritual formation, and fun quality time.

Monday nights are a space for us to be formed by Jesus, with other people who desire the same.

— gathering of many, formed by one —

Sunday Mornings:

11:00am — Community Hour in the Choir Room

Monday Nights:

6:30pm — Worship Gathering in the Choir Room

Collective Staff

Tessa Harris
Associate Shepherd of Young Adults

Mitch Fierro
Shepherd of Care Ministries