Join us this fall as we seek to grow deeper in connection with Jesus and each other!

Jenn Hale, Shepherd of Women's Ministry

Katie Smylie, Shepherd of Growth Ministries




The words of Jesus peach_teal

For 2024/2025 we'll be studying "The Words of Jesus" across all four Gospels. As we study his words, we'll be noticing context, themes, and cross-references, but also answering the question “What does this tell me about the heart of Jesus and mind of Christ?” How wonderful it will be to immerse ourselves in Jesus’ words for an entire year! The Gospels tell us the “good news” about Jesus and they narrate Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection. Together, they paint a picture of what it means to follow Jesus.

IGNIGHT: Tuesday Evening

Tuesdays | September 17-May 6 | 7-8:30pm | Fireside Room

Format: In-person teaching as well as small group discussion with prayer time.
Cost: $25 for the year
Curriculum: The Words of Jesus: A study of the words and teachings of Jesus across all four Gospels, developed by women’s ministry teachers and leaders from Fullerton Free.

THE PURSUIT: Thursday Morning (childcare available)

Thursdays | Sept. 12 - May 8 | 9-11:30am | Commons

Format: Worship, in-person teaching, and small group discussion with prayer time.
Curriculum: The Words of Jesus: A study of the words and teachings of Jesus across all four Gospels, developed by women’s ministry teachers and leaders from Fullerton Free.
Cost: $25 for the year
Cost for moms needing childcare: $25 registration per year for mom & $150 childcare registration per child for the spring semester ($9 per day)

Moms of Special Needs Kids Bible Study

Beginning Sept. 23 | Two Mondays a Month | 9-11am | Fireside Room

This is a chance to build community, share burdens, and study the Bible together in a low-key, low-commitment, we-get-you type setting. We’ll be studying The Words of Jesus this year.

Email Shelia Arnold for more information.


Restorative Community Yoga

Most Mondays | 6:30-7:00pm Tea & Chat: Family Room Lobby | 7:00-8:00 pm Class: Family Room

This coed class will incorporate movement, stretching, breath work, scripture meditation and prayer as a means to enjoy exercise and draw near to God. All are welcome-invite a friend! Bring a mat (or use one of our loaners) and wear comfortable clothes. This is a donation-based class taught by certified instructor Kelsey Ward ($5-$10 suggested donation).

Spring 2025:
March 3 & 17
April 7, 21, 28
May 5, 12, 19, 26

Single Moms Connection

Stay tuned for more information!

MomCo (Formerly MOPS & MOMSnext)

MomCo is available to a wide range of moms. If you're a pregnant mom still waiting to meet your little one, a mom to school-aged kiddos, a working mom, or a stay-at-home mom, YOU are welcome here!

Please visit to register and for the most up-to-date information about meetings.

Spring 2025 dates:

This fall we will continue to offer two convenient meeting options.

 TUESDAY MORNINGS 9-11:25am (childcare available and hot breakfast included)

January 28
February 11
February 25
March 11
March 25
April 8
April 22

THURSDAY EVENINGS 7-9pm (childcare available and dinner included)

January 30
February 13
February 27
March 13
March 27
April 10
April 24

Woman of Value

Thursdays | March 6 - April 10 | 7-9pm | C-212

A Woman of Value is a six-session course intended to teach women how to improve all earthly relationships through a full acceptance of who they are through God’s eyes. Principles taught include the importance of self-worth, healthy communication, forgiveness and respecting our differences.

Leader: Sandi Dickerson
Cost: $10

A PLACE FOR YOU: Wednesday Morning

Wednesdays | September 11, 2024 – May 14, 2025 | North Campus Multipurpose Room (NC-200)

Leaders: Marilyn Allmon, Donna Warren, Sandy Colvin

Format: Gather for fellowship, worship, prayer and praise, devotional, refreshments, small group discussions

Book: Matthew
The Book of Matthew forms a natural bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament. You will walk through Jesus’ most famous teachings and learn what it means to live with Him now and forever. It emphasizes the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies and it sets forth evidence that Jesus is the promised Messiah in the Old Testament and the expected King of the Jews.

Cost: $30.00


Fridays | Resuming in January | 9-11:15am | Commons

Coordinator: Karolyn Morrison
*Childcare Provided