The Adventure

Join our community of non-married people in our 30s and 40s. We meet together month (usually the third week of every month) for an event such as game nights, pickleball, friendsgiving, etc.

We communicate using What'sApp. To be added to the conversation, contact Cathy Gibson.

ESCAPE ROOM | Saturday | March 22 | Time TBD

Enjoy attempting to escape a locked room? Good at random puzzles? Contact Cathy for more details.

TRIVIA NIGHT | Friday | April 25 | 7:00pm | Fireside Room

Come join us for a night of Trivia. Will your team win it all?

PARK PICNIC AND SCAVENGER HUNT | Saturday | May 17 | Carbon Canyon 12:00pm (noon)

Bring your own lunch. We'll meet by the lake and enjoy lunch, then do a photo scavenger hunt!

PICKLEBALL | Saturday | June 21 | 10:00am | FF— Pickleball courts

Join us for Pickleball ... all abilities are welcome. Even if you have never played, we can teach you the basics.

Future Months (Details TBA):

  • July - Mini golf
  • August - Movie Night
  • September - Annual Game Night
  • October - Spaghetti Western (pasta, line dancing, and more)
  • November - Friendsgiving