The Adventure
Join our community of non-married people in our 30s and 40s. We meet together month (usually the third week of every month) for an event such as game nights, pickleball, friendsgiving, etc.
We communicate using What'sApp. To be added to the conversation, contact Cathy Gibson.
COFFEE AND ICE CREAM SOCIAL | Friday | October 25 | 7:00pm | Fireside Room
Come for a fun night of coffee, ice cream and great people.
FRIENDSGIVING | Friday | November 15 | 6:00pm | Fireside Room
Come join us for our third annual Friendsgiving Potluck. It's one of our favorite nights of the year. We'll have a sign up sheet where you can contribute money to the main dish or sign up to bring a side or dessert. We'll eat together, we'll play some games ... it's a great night! Contact Cathy for the link to see what to bring.
CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING | Friday | December | Fullerton Free Church
Keep your eyes out for future announcements about Fullerton Free's annual tree lighting night. As the time draws nearer we'll pick a time and place to meet up. We'll eat dinner together (food trucks!) and enjoy all the festivities. After the tree lighting we can go out together for dessert.