The library has been a regular part of the ministry of Fullerton Free for many years, providing Christian resources to the people of our church and others who use our facilities. While we are thankful for this legacy, we wanted to let you know that Fullerton Free has made the difficult decision to discontinue the library ministry at this time. Because of our upcoming remodel of our coffee shop, the growing access to similar materials in other places, and future ministry planning for the space, we believe the timing is right for this change.

The library will continue to be open until the end of February. Since some of you have outstanding materials, you are welcome to return those before that time. All the remaining materials in the library will either be donated to other local ministries who are interested in housing them or be available to purchase for a small donation. Please stop by the library before the end of the month to bring home some of your favorites or some new-to-you resources. Please thank our dedicated and helpful library volunteers and Claudia Bloom who has been faithfully leading our library—these men and women have been using their gifts to support the church in beautiful ways. We are so grateful for their service over these many years!

Returns & Fines

All items can be returned by placing them in the black bin at the Library counter or through the book drop on the south side of The Well/Library building. No fines are currently being charged on overdue materials.

Contact Information

Claudia Bloom, Acting Library Manager | 714-529-5544 x450