As apprentices of Jesus we have committed our lives to not only follow Him but to be continual learners as we grow into His image. This learning take places on Sundays and in all areas of our lives every day. To facilitate deeper growth in both knowledge and practice, we’ll be offering “Extra Credit” courses to aid in our growth at Fullerton Free. The courses begin in July and extend well into the fall. Attend one, or attend them all; we hope you won't miss out on this opportunity for us to grow together as a family at Fullerton Free.
Following Jesus
Sundays | July 7-28 | 11:00am | D-201
No Charge
Develop your connection with God and assess your spiritual health in this four-week training. Discover what Jesus wants most from the people who follow Him. If you are new or feel stuck in your faith journey, this might be great for you. The experience is intentionally designed as a place to bring your real-life questions about faith and Jesus.
ThinkWell: End the Stalemate with Dr. Tim Muehlhoff
Sunday | July 14 | 12:30pm | Commons
$5 Pizza Lunch
Today, we live in an argument culture that has led to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement and nearly two-thirds of people saying they stay quiet about their beliefs due to the fear of offending others. Can Christians offer an alternative where we approach disagreements with equal parts truth and love? This ThinkWell is based on Tim's new book, End the Stalemate, and will offer practical ways to both prepare our hearts for a conversation and how to organize it so both parties are heard.
After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics
Hosted by Darin McWatters
Wednesdays | July 17-August 21 | 7-8:30pm | Commons
$5 Materials Fee
The After Party is a free, six-part video course designed to help the church navigate the current political landscape and the polarization, entrenched tribal affiliations, and broken relationships that often result. Written and facilitated by Russell Moore, David French and Curtis Chang, the After Party course provides interactive videos that encourage participants to inventory their own political identities, consider the “how” vs. the “what” of politics, and explore what the Bible has to say about it all. We aim for you to be equipped to navigate these challenging topics in your own life and within your communities.
Missions in the 21st Century
Podcast coming this winter!
No Charge
What does the mission of Jesus look like today? How did we get here? Where Is Jesus leading us in the future? Join us on a four-week journey as we understand and celebrate what God has done, learn what he is doing, and discuss how Fullerton Free— partners in the future. Each session will include a brief lecture, table discussion, and Q&R with professionals and practitioners.
Wednesdays | October 2-30 | 7-8:30pm | Commons
No Charge
Who has Jesus called me to talk to about him? How do I begin the conversation? But what if I’m not an evangelist? If you’ve ever ask yourself these questions, you probably feel the burden of wanting to talk to people about Jesus but just don’t know where to start or you feel you lack the skills to do so. In this four-week training we discover who God has uniquely placed in our lives, unearth rhythms in our lives to intentionally reveal him, and learn how to communicate the gospel in meaningful ways.